
自衛官自殺:後絶たぬ 08年度、一般職国家公務員の1.5倍 背景に「いじめ」など - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

自衛官自殺:後絶たぬ 08年度、一般職国家公務員の1.5倍 背景に「いじめ」など - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)


自衛官自殺:後絶たぬ 08年度、一般職国家公務員の1.5倍 背景に「いじめ」など - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

自衛官自殺:後絶たぬ 08年度、一般職国家公務員の1.5倍 背景に「いじめ」など - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

自衛官自殺:後絶たぬ 08年度、一般職国家公務員の1.5倍 背景に「いじめ」など


Tokyo Counseling Services

Tokyo Counseling Services

The TCS counseling center in Shimokitazawa provides a wide range of counseling and psychotherapy services, including individual counseling, couples and marriage therapy, family art therapy and group therapy. Easily accessible by car and train from Shibuya, Shinjuku and Kichijoji, the counseling center is open daily from 9 a.m.



東京カウンセリングサービス は全て、日本臨床心理士認定協会の臨床心理士など、専門家としての資格やライセンスの有資格者です。又、セラピストは、専門的な経験を積んだ、日本欧州共通サイコセラピー資格の認定者です。



所在不明乳幼児:35市区で延べ355人 毎日新聞調査 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

所在不明乳幼児:35市区で延べ355人 毎日新聞調査






香山リカのココロの万華鏡:うつ病の経済損失 /東京 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

うつ病の経済損失 /東京







Japan puts cost of suicides, depression at $32 billion in 2009 - International Business Times

Japan puts cost of suicides, depression at $32 billion in 2009 - International Business Times

The comments on Japan mental health and suicide are inaccurate. There were (not “are” ) samurai warriors who, as part of their honour code, committed seppuku (the correct term in Japanese and not the colloquial misnomer “harakiri” often misused and misunderstood in English media reports) is performed by plunging a sword into the abdomen and moving the sword left to right in a slicing motion. Seppuku was officially abolished as a means of judicial punishment in Japan in 1873. Voluntary seppuku did happen on a sporadic basis from then until the end of the second world war. The last recorded incident of seppuku as a means of committing suicide in Japan took place in 1970 when the novelist Yukio Mishima committed seppuku after failing in his attempt to incite military forces to stage a coup d’etat. No corporate directors have ever “done the hara-kiri tradition”, whatever that odd and meaningless expression would try to suggest is the case.

Some companies are beginning to provide better mental health counseling at the workplace but there is no official government provision. Community psychiatric clinics were first established in the mid-1970’s by a generation of young Japanese psychiatrists who wanted to provide an alternative to hospitalization of those people suffering mental illness through community out-patient and adult rehabilitation daycare centers outside of a hospital setting.
As for the comments on what to do if you know someone is suicidal, although perhaps well intended and useful to a point, they are not enough in themselves. If someone is suicidal they need the help of mental health professionals who are trained and experienced in working with people who are depressed and suicidal. If you know someone who is suicidal encourage them to see a psychiatrist or a licensed psychologist. If they are not willing to do so contact a mental health care professional to get their advice on the situation. Also if the person who is suicidal is not willing to get professional help at this point then, if you are in a position to do so get in touch with a member of the person’s family and tell them of your concern. Do something about it and take whatever action you are reasonable in a position to do.
I think this kind of reporting does nothing to help focus on the deeper social and economic causes that brought about the extreme rise in the suicide rate in Japan and has taken the number of people here who kill themselves every year in Japan to over 30,000 for the last ten years. The initial sudden rise in the suicide rate in 1998 parallels the economic bubble years of the 1990's that led to the crash of the Japanese stock market and bankrupt companies nationwide. In America and other countries it might be a better idea to focus on how to protect citizens and provide better mental health care screening and provision for employees and others who are being affected by the fallout of the current economic meltdown and ensuing high unemployment rates, rather that piecemeal articles that focus on seppuku. In modern Japan most businessmen who commit suicide do so by hanging themselves, often alone in their own homes.


School Violence Japan

Number of cases of school violence hits a new high in Japan, IBN Live News

Tokyo, Sep 15 (Kyodo) The number of violence cases in schools across Japan increased for the fourth straight year to hit a record of 60,913 in the 2009 school year through March. Of the total, violence cases at junior high schools accounted for 72 percent, according to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The number of students who committed suicide stood at 165, up by 29 from a year earlier, of whom two were found to be linked to bullying, the report said.


Japanese Psychotherapy

Japanese Psychotherapy

Andrew Grimes
"Well Planted in Fertile Soil: An Introduction to Japanese Psychotherapy "

The Practice of Psychotherapy in Japan: an investigation into all psychotherapies currently being practiced in Japan, the ways and approaches of psychotherapies in Japan, where psychotherapists practice in Japan and how they utilize psychotherapeutic systems to serve the needs and wishes of their clients and patients. With an emphasis on identifying the full range of systems of psychotherapy being used within Japanese society in the treatment of emotional and psychosomatic problems and also in the treatment of problems caused by crisis in life.

a new book just being published on Japanese Psychotherapy by a JCP Psychotherapist who was trained and qualified in Japan under Japanese Senseis and who has been practicing psychotherapy in Japan for 25 years. You may be interested to read it and it is available this week from CreateSpace publisher on Amazon at this e-store:

And you can see a full description of this book at:



Suicides, depression cost Japanese economy 2.7 trillion yen in 2009 - The Mainichi Daily News

Suicides, depression cost Japanese economy 2.7 trillion yen in 2009 - The Mainichi Daily News

Suicides, depression cost Japanese economy 2.7 trillion yen in 2009

Suicides and loss of employment due to depression cost the national economy almost 2.7 trillion yen in 2009, according to a Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare study released Sept. 7.

The study was presented to the government's suicide prevention measures committee by labor minister Akira Nagatsuma.

This is the first time such a project has been conducted in Japan, though a similar study was held in Britain in 1998 and resulted in major improvements to the public health system's suicide prevention strategies. Nagatsuma was familiar with the results of the British research and directed the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research to undertake the study.



9月10日は世界自殺予防デー、意外と知られていない自殺にまつわる数字いろいろ - GIGAZINE

9月10日はWHO(世界保健機関)が定めた「World Suicide Prevention Day(世界自殺予防デー)」ということで、自殺予防のために意識を高めようと、自殺に関するさまざまなデータや自殺を減らすにはどういった取り組みが必要なのかといった情報が公開されています。


WHO | World Suicide Prevention Day

WHO | Suicide prevention (SUPRE)

WHO | How can suicide be prevented?


Suicide Japan

Suicides, depression cost Japanese economy 2.7 trillion yen in 2009 - The Mainichi Daily News

Read Full Story Here Home > News > National News > Full Story
National News
Suicides, depression cost Japanese economy 2.7 trillion yen in 2009

Suicides and loss of employment due to depression cost the national economy almost 2.7 trillion yen in 2009, according to a Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare study released Sept. 7.

The study was presented to the government's suicide prevention measures committee by labor minister Akira Nagatsuma.

This is the first time such a project has been conducted in Japan, though a similar study was held in Britain in 1998 and resulted in major improvements to the public health system's suicide prevention strategies. Nagatsuma was familiar with the results of the British research and directed the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research to undertake the study.



自殺やうつ病:09年経済的損失2.7兆円 厚労省初調査 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
自殺やうつ病:09年経済的損失2.7兆円 厚労省初調査





Suicide Japan | Tokyo Counseling Services

Suicide Japan
s a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist working in Japan for over 20 years, I would like to put forward a perspective on the unacceptably high suicide numbers in Japan. Mental health professionals in Japan have long known that the reasons for the high suicide rate are unemployment, bankruptcies, and the increasing levels of stress on businessmen and other salaried workers who have suffered enormous hardship since the post-"bubble" economy hit a low point around 1997. Until that year, Japan had between 22,000 and 24,000 suicides a year. In 1998 the rate increased by around 35 percent, and since 1998 the number of people killing themselves each year in Japan has consistently remained over 30,000. The current worldwide recession is, of course, impacting Japan, so unless the new administration initiates very proactive and well funded local and nationwide suicide prevention programs and other mental health care initiatives, including tackling the widespread problem of clinical depression suffered by so many of the general population, it is very difficult to foresee the previous government's stated target to reduce the suicide rate to around 23,000 by 2016 as being achievable. On the contrary, the suffering that people who become part of these numbers have to endure may well stay at current levels. I would like to suggest that since many Japanese have high reading skills in English, any articles dealing with mental health issues in Japan provide contact details for hotlines and support services for people who are depressed and feeling suicidal. Here are two useful telephone numbers for Japanese- and English-speakers who are feeling depressed or suicidal and need to get in touch with a mental health professional qualified in Japan — Inochi no Denwa (Lifeline Telephone Service): Japan 0120-738-556/Tokyo 3264-4343


Gmail - Google Alert - Andrew Grimes Tokyo - tokyocounselingservices@gmail.com

Gmail - Google Alert - Andrew Grimes Tokyo - tokyocounselingservices@gmail.com
Bringing down the suicide rate


As a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist working in Japan for over 20 years, I would like to put forward a perspective on the unacceptably high suicide numbers in Japan. Mental health professionals in Japan have long known that the reasons for the high suicide rate are unemployment, bankruptcies, and the increasing levels of stress on businessmen and other salaried workers who have suffered enormous hardship since the post-"bubble" economy hit a low point around 1997.

上半期の自殺者7%減 依然年3万人超ペース - 47NEWS(よんななニュース)

上半期の自殺者7%減 依然年3万人超ペース - 47NEWS(よんななニュース)