The Yomiuri Shimbun
About 76 percent of those in welfare facilities for the short-term treatment of emotionally disturbed children have been victims of child abuse, with the percentage having doubled from 14 years ago, according to a Yomiuri Shimbun survey.
As of the end of November, 1,128 juveniles were being treated at such facilities, abbreviated to "jotan" in Japanese, across the nation. Of those, 853 had experienced child abuse, the survey showed.
Furthermore, about 70 percent of the facilities said they suffer from staff shortages, indicating that staff have been exhausted by taking care of children who have experienced abuse.
Child welfare experts pointed out that the system of managing the facilities needs to be reexamined.
The survey was conducted from November to January through telephone interviews and written questionnaires on the facilities.
In 1996, a national liaison council comprising welfare facilities and other relevant bodies conducted a similar survey on 16 jotan facilities and found that about 35 percent of children in their care had experienced child abuse.
76% of kids in welfare facilities have suffered child abuse : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)
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