You readers may also be interested to hear the six month assessment of President Konoe of the Japanese Red Cross Society in his "Six Months on from the Great East Japan Earthquake" as he reports on the triple disasters of the earthquake, .tsunami and the meltdown and radiation released from 3 of the 6 nuclear plants at the Fukushima Daiichi facility built on the coast:
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Youtube Channel:
As he says, "we are only just at the beginning of it" here in Japan. Keep the support coming please.
Your readers may also like to see some other positive and realistic reports on the need for psychosocial support for the millions of survivors of these triple disasters, many of whom may well in time, require the legal assessment, diagnosis and treatment of PTSD, depression and other mental disorders Japan's 100,000 + licensed mental health care professionals in Japan:
Mental Psychological Care Japan Tsunami Earthquake via @addthis Nick Jones' article in International Red Cross Magazine
Mending Minds by Nick Jones (in English)
International Red Cross magazine reports on mental health professionals counseling therapy post Japan earthquake
With kindest regards from Tokyo
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