
Tokyo Art Therapy

Art Therapy offers an efficient way of communicating with inner and outer world both verbally and non-verbally. It provides a way to explore your inner landscape through creative expression. A Weekly Art Therapy Group is now open on every Sunday from 12.00 to 15.00 p.m. This group is conducted mainly in English by Ms Haeyoung Jeong, a UK licensed Art Therapist, who is also fluent in French and speaks conversational Japanese. Anybody interested in self-expression and self-awareness through the making of images is all welcome. It is not important if you think you don’t know how to paint or draw. It is recommended that you make a commitment to about five consecutive sessions. This is to allow for development and enrichment of the process. You are also welcome to book for a try-out session. The five week art therapy group is structured to give you the opportunity to make work through which you can develop and challenge your ideas of self-expression through art. Each week new themes are introduced. This is followed by image making and thereafter voluntary sharing of images within the group. This leads to greater insignts into your artwork and a deeper understanding and exploration of yourself within a group process. More infomation about Ms Haeyoung Jeong and her approach to Art Therapy can be found by visiting her blog: DALHO by Art Therapist Haeyoung Jeong.

Dates & Times: Every Sunday from 12.00 to 15.00 p.m.

TCS Group : Weekly Art Therapy Group (Sunday sessions)

Place: TCS's(Tokyo Counseling Services)Counseling Center in Shimokitazawa, Setagayaku, Tokyo.

Tokyo Art Therapy

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