
Prof. Kodama Tokyo University on Radiation Danger in Fukushima Region

Today I just checked on the Japanese Youtube site and there are many uploadings of Dr Kodama's impassioned and expert speach in Japanese. My guestimate is that collectively the number in Japanese is getting up to 1,000,000 views and still growing. The one with the largest number of views is at 549,659
and can be seen here
the one around 300,000 can be seen here:

549,659 and just grew to that number by nearly 200 while I've been writing this comment. If all you good folk here in Tokyo, Japan and around the world who are in support of the truth and concerned about the health of the good people of the Fukushima area and Touhoku disaster region can kindly twitter, facebook, tweet etc on to your social networks maybe we can get this English version to go over 1,000,000 and even more viral too. This would help put world pressure and support getting fast, effective and healthy solutions to this ongoing disaster that threatens so many adults and children now and in the future. Dr Kodama is a medical doctor specialized in cancer treatment and a leading authority on the effects of radiation on people's health at the University of Tokyo and has been working in this field for decades. Spread his words please, for the sake of us all in Japan and our children's children too. Thank you


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