Interesting and well thought out article on teachers and education in Japan. At this time of recover through these difficlut months and maybe years in the East Japan region it is the teachers of that region who have been so hard working and are of deep significance to the community in times of disasters. This is not the time for any disrespect or diversion from their superb and unselfish efforts for their surviving pupils in the most badly of effected towns, cities and other smaller communities too.
Sunday, Japan Times, Oct. 30, 2011 Opinion
"Give teachers time, not a fine"
A recent spot check of working conditions of teachers in Hokkaido, Ishikawa, Tottori and Okinawa by the Board of Audit concluded that teachers in Hokkaido and Okinawa misused their working hours. The Board of Audit will ask the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry to demand those teachers return part of their salaries to the authorities. While inappropriate use of work time should be discouraged, the report sounds more like a witch-hunt than a serious investigation."
Japan TImes
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