
Tokyo Yoga


Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is an aspect of the ancient tradition of yoga which adapts yoga practice to the individual for healing purposes. Yoga therapy uses practices such as postures, breathing, meditation, arts, and sound, to integrate body, mind and spirit, as well as heal illness and emotional imbalance. Yoga therapy is also preventative, helping to maintain an optimum state of health for life by bringing awareness.


Is Yoga Therapy for me?

Often the pain we experience in our bodies and minds has roots in habitual reactions to stress and circumstances. Our nervous systems tend to react in predictable patterns. Yoga Therapy can help change these patterns with mindfulness to our body and deep unwinding.


Psychology and Yoga

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, stress, or related issues, Maki will use yoga, in combination with creative process of therapy to facilitate healing. The use of witnessing and dialogue reconnects the client to wholeness, inviting presence through the postures or through direct inquiry and counseling. Maki uses her training as a therapist to facilitate a safe and nurturing space for her clients.


Tokyo Counseling Services Sunday Yoga Group

Group Facilitator: Maki Mitsuya is an Expressive Arts Therapist and also a Yoga instructor. She is fluent in both English and Japanese 

Location: TCS's(Tokyo Counseling Services)Counseling Center in Shimokitazawa, Setagayaku, Tokyo. 
Particpants: 5 ~ 8 people
Starting Date: October 30th (Sundays) from : 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon.
Autumn Program Fee: Y4000 per session. Please wear comfortable clothes.

Tokyo Yoga



Tokyo Counseling Services Yoga Therapy Application

Application: To apply for a place in this Art Therapy group please send an email to us with the title “Maki's Yoga Therapy group application” to tokyocounselingservices@gmail.com and withanswers to the following in the body of the email: 

1. Name 
2. Sex 
3. Age 
4. Occupation 
5. Your reason for wanting to participate in this group 

※ If you are currently receiving treatment from a psychiatrist, please check with your doctor before applying.


Counseling Center Contact and Appointments

For information on how to contact Tokyo Counseling Services' Reception and how to schedule apppointments for individual therapuetic yoga and/or this yoga group with Maki and also for general information on TCS other individual, couples and family therapy services please simply follow this link to our "Appointments and Inquiries" section in English and follow this link for information in Japanese.

Tokyo Counseling Services: Yoga Webpage:



TCS: http://tokyocounseling.com/

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