Yoga therapy is an aspect of the ancient tradition of yoga which adapts yoga practice to the individual for healing purposes. Yoga therapy uses practices such as postures, breathing, meditation, ritual, the texts of yoga, and sound, to integrate body, mind and spirit, as well as heal injury, illness and emotional imbalance. Yoga therapy is also preventative, helping to maintain an optimum state of health for life.
Group Facilitator: Maki Mitsuya is an Expressive Arts Therapist and also Yoga instructor. She has been trained as a therapist in clinical settings and is a Yoga instuctor Trainer.
Location: TCS's(Tokyo Counseling Services)Counseling Center in Shimokitazawa, Setagayaku, Tokyo.
Particpants: 5 ~ 8 people
Starting Date: October 9th (Sundays) from : 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon.
Yoga - TCS Tokyo Japan
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