叉「 国家資格化」される事で、未だに根強くある社会の中のメンタル問題に対する偏見も幾分かでも払拭されるかとの期待もあっての事です。
叉、心理士の質の高さについてご心配されている皆さんが多いようですが、これは、この「 国家資格化」を機に、それこそ更新性を取り入れる等、関連諸学会の今迄の諸経験を煮詰め、改めて検討して行くチャンスでもあり、何より社会からの目も厳しくもなる訳で、正しく一人一人の責任が問われて行く事になるのかと、思います。
keywords: 臨床心理士 国家資格 日本心理臨床会 日本臨床心理士会 心理士 グランドペアレンティン Grandparenting
2009年12月25日 19時58分 更新:12月25日 22時37分
Japanese Psychotherapy
The current of psychotherapy in Japan has long been naturally moving towards all current psychotherapies being used in a form of integrated psychotherapy. The teachings of all the most leading and influential teachers of the predominate schools of psychotherapy at least since the end of the war in the Pacific have favoured an acceptance and respect for all other major systems of psychotherapy. The answers and comments provided by all respondents surveyed as part of this research on the use of all of the major methods of psychotherapy currently utilized to nurture the well being of clients and patients of all kinds overwhelming show that they vary and tailor their approach for each and every one of them. So very few practicing psychotherapists here insist on just one approach. Therefore it is a very personal and consensually concordant current that has resulted in integrative psychotherapy becoming popular in Japan too.
The very nature of Japanese culture with its Buddhist roots still deeply influencing the ways that all people relate to one another here is integrative in nature and current modalities of Japanese psychotherapy too have been adopted, adapted and encouraged to grow and advance in a spirit of harmony and cooperation between professionals and clients and patients always with a respect of the intrinsic inter-relationship of human interaction being at the heart of things." © Andrew Grimes JSCCP, JCP, M.Sci. Pth.
By Catherine Lewis, AHJ Editor -- Published: November 30, 2009
If you have battled depression, or are close to someone that has, you would love to know the key to curing it forever. Well, you may have one option when it comes to addressing this debilitating condition. New research is now being done that indicates that there are foods that can actually help fight depression. Which foods, you ask? Keep reading to find out.
What Foods Fight Depression?
Researchers at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, discovered several foods that appear to be beneficial for depression.
* Cold water fish – Salmon, sardines, and tuna are included in this list.
* Walnuts – Walnuts - like cold-water fish - contain omega-3 fatty acids.
* Sugar beets and molasses – Sugar beets and molasses contain a substance known as uridine. This substance also seems to have positive effects on depression.
This food list could explain why those in Scandinavian and Asian countries have lower instances of depression. People in these regions tend to have diets that are very high in fish. The researchers found that when omega-3 fatty acids were used in conjunction with uridine in low doses that it was effective against depression.
Japanese researchers have findings that also support these conclusions. While this team of researchers was in Finland they surveyed 1,767 residents. These survey results caused them to conclude that eating fish more than two times per week has a protective effect against both depression and suicide.
How Do These Foods Fight Depression?
Exactly how these foods fight depression is not known. Researchers suspect that they may change some fats in the brain membrane. They believe that this could make it easier for the brain chemicals to pass through. The researchers at McLean used lab rats but warn that human metabolism is significantly different from that of rats.
Kathleen Franco, MD is the professor of medicine and psychiatry at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine in Ohio. She believes that diet along with supplements, combined with medication and psychotherapy, have a role in depression treatment. Dr. Franco says, "It is recommended that individuals eat a healthy diet [including] fruits and vegetables with antioxidants; omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, tuna and some other fish; and vitamins that include all the B's."
Depression Foods: Other Possibilities
There are other types of foods and dietary supplements that may affect depression as well:
* B vitamins - Studies indicate low levels of the B vitamin folic acid along with high levels of homocysteine, a protein, make you more likely to be depressed. Folic acid, vitamin B2, B6, and B12 decrease levels of homocysteine. B vitamins can be obtained by eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes.
* Amino acids – An important amino acid, Tryptophan, is needed to make the brain chemical serotonin. Low levels of serotonin are understood to be one cause of depression.
* Carbohydrates - Carbs are changed into sugar that your brain needs to function. Eating too much sugar often causes peaks and valleys in blood glucose levels that leads to or aggravate symptoms of depression. Stick to a diet low in refined carbs and sugar and high in fruits and vegetables.
* St. John’s Wort - There has been some evidence that St. John's Wort has been helpful in treating mild depression. However, two recent studies reported that it was no more effective than a placebo in cases of major depression.
More research is needed, but the outlook is quite hopeful.
JAPAN: Death from Overwork
This article states: that ‘karoshi’ has taken on a new face — suicide. "This is something new," he said. "About 20 years ago, heart attacks or strokes were a symbol of ‘karoshi’ in Japan. In 1994, for instance, Japan’s Economic Planning Agency estimated the number of ‘karoshi’ deaths at around 1,000, or 5 percent of all deaths from cardiovascular diseases, in the 25 to 59 age group.
Today, workers are committing suicide, and that is a major change, he said. Of the more than 30,000 suicides recorded last year, based on data from the national police agency, Kawahito said 10,000 were believed to be related to overwork.
I do not agree with some of this. It is not something new that today workers in Japan are committing suicide because of depression and the stress of overwork. Karaoshi is death through overwork resulting in the worker literally dying on the job. The suicide of thousands of workers every year due to depression and overworking are two aspects of a problem that have existed side by side in Japan for over a decade. There was a major change in the suicide rate in Japan, but it happened over ten years ago.I am a JSCCP clinical psychologist and JFP psychotherapist working in Japan for over 20 years. I would like to put forward a perspective on some of the main reasons behind the unacceptably high suicide numbers Japan and so will limit my comments to what I know about here in Japan.
Mental health professionals in Japan have long known that the reason for the unnecessarily high suicide rate in Japan is due to unemployment, bankruptcies, and the increasing levels of stress on businessmen and other salaried workers who have suffered enormous hardship in Japan since the bursting of the stock market bubble here that peaked around 1997. Until that year Japan had annual suicide of rate figures between 22,000 and 24,000 each year. Following the bursting of the stock market and the long term economic downturn that has followed here since the suicide rate in 1998 increased by around 35% and since 1998 the number of people killing themselves each year in Japan has consistently remained well over 30,000 each and every year to the present day.
The current worldwide recession is of course impacting Japan too, so unless the new administration initiates very proactive and well funded local and nationwide suicide prevention programs and other mental health care initiatives, including tackling the widespread problem of clinical depression suffered by so many of the general population, it is very difficult to foresee the previous government's stated target to reduce the suicide rate to around 23,000 by the year 2016 as being achievable. On the contrary the suicide rate could even get even worse is more is not done to prevent this terrible loss of life.Unless the new administration initiates very proactive and well-funded local and nationwide suicide prevention programs and other mental health care initiatives, including tackling the widespread problem of clinical depression suffered by so many of the general population, it is very difficult to foresee the previous government's stated goal of reducing the suicide rate to around 23,000 by 2016 as achievable.
The current numbers licensed psychiatrists (around 13,000), Japan Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists clinical psychologists (19,830 as of 2009), and Psychiatric Social Workers (39,108 as of 2009) must indeed be increased. In order for professional mental health counseling and psychotherapy services to be covered for depression and other mental illnesses by public health insurance it would seem advisable that positive action is taken to resume and complete the negotiations on how to achieve national licensing for clinical psychologists in Japan through the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and not just the Ministry of Education as is the current situation. These discussions were ongoing between all concerned mental health professional authorities that in the ongoing select committee and ministerial levels that were ongoing during the Koizumi administration. With the current economic recession adding even more hardship and stress in the lives its citizens, now would seem to be a prime opportunity for the responsible Japanese to take a pro-active approach to finally providing government approval for national licensing for clinical psychologists who provide mental health care counseling and psychotherapy services to the people of Japan.
During these last ten years of these relentlessly high annual suicide rate numbers the English media seems in the main to have done little more than have someone goes through the files and do a story on the so-called suicide forest or internet suicide clubs and copycat suicides (whether cheap heating fuel like charcoal briquettes or even cheaper household cleaning chemicals) and mirrors at stations, and now lights at stations,
Economic hardship, bankruptcies and unemployment have been the main cause of suicide in Japan over the last 10 years, as the well detailed reports behind the suicide rate numbers that have been issued every year until now by the National Police Agency in Japan show only to clearly if any journalist is prepared to learn Japanese or get a bilingual researcher to do the research to get to the real heart of the tragic story of the long term and unnecessarily high suicide rate problem in Japan.
I would also like to suggest that as many Japanese people have very high reading skills in English that any articles (or works of fiction which I appreciate this is) dealing with suicide in Japan could usefully provide contact details for hotlines and support services for people who are depressed and feeling suicidal.
Useful telephone numbers and links for Japanese residents of Japan who speak Japanese and are feeling depressed or suicidal:
Japan: 0120-738-556
Tokyo: 3264 4343
年齢別では、最多が50代の6363人(9.7%減)。続いて60代の5735人(0.4%増)、40代の4970人(2.5%減)、30代の4850 人、70代の3697人(5.4%減)、20代の3438人(3.9%増)、80歳以上の2361人(5.1%減)、19歳以下の611人(11.5% 増)の順だった。
5月14日 Yahoo!ニュース
都人口:1294万2366人 前月比3万3510人増--4月1日現在 /東京
(1)江東区 9987人
(2)足立区 7144人
(3)練馬区 5187人
(4)大田区 5185人
(5)世田谷区 4954人
毎日新聞 2009年4月28日 地方版
殺人未遂:暴力を相談後、妻子が男性殺害 容疑で逮捕--広島県警
30日午前6時15分ごろ、広島県竹原市の自営業の男性(57)方から「首を絞めて夫を殺した」と女の声で警察に通報があった。駆けつけた警察官 が、首にひもを巻かれぐったりしている男性を1階居間で発見。約1時間後に死亡が確認された。県警竹原署の調べでは、電話したのは妻(40)で、1階には 当時、高専生の長男(18)、私立高1年の長女(15)もいた。同署は、妻に暴力を振るう男性に耐えかね男性を殺害しようとしたとして、3人を殺人未遂容 疑で逮捕した。解剖の結果では男性の死因を特定できず、殺人容疑の適用は見合わせた。
毎日新聞 2009年5月1日 東京朝刊
都道府県別では、東京が最も多い2941人で、大阪2128人、神奈川1818人、北海道1726人、埼玉1653人の順。九州地方の全県を含 め、全国29都府県で自殺者が減少する一方、北海道(前年比86人増)、長野(同80人増)、埼玉(同68人増)など大幅に増加した自治体も目立ち、18 道県で前年よりも自殺者が増加した。
〈クビになったことを家族に言い出せず『もうだめだ。いっそのこと死んだら、楽になれるかなあ』と思い詰めるが、家族の『何でもいいから 話して』という言葉で家族に打ち明ける。家族から相談を受けた医師が『うつ状態』と診断し、家族や周りの人の支えもあり、清さんは『死ねば苦しみから逃れ られるといつも思っていたけど、いろんな人に相談してよかった』と、徐々に社会復帰していく〉
景気の悪化とともに自殺の増加が心配されている。警察庁は自殺者数を年1回発表してきたが、今月からは月単位での発表を始めた。県内では03年の576人 をピークに減少傾向だったが、自殺死亡率は高い水準のまま。県内の自殺率はなぜ高いのか、自殺防止に有効な手だてはあるのか——。(有近隆史)
しかし、県立精神保健福祉センターの岩佐博人所長(54)は「どれか一つだけの理由で自殺に追い込まれるのではなく、要因が複合的に絡み 合っている。借金問題から家族関係がぎくしゃくして、ストレスが蓄積されてうつ状態になり死にたくなるというケースもある」と指摘する。
Girl diagnoses herself with Asperger's after reading book
アスペルガー症候群(-しょうこうぐん、Asperger syndrome: AS)は、興味・関心やコミュニケーションについて特異であるものの、知的障害がみられない発達障害のことである。「知的障害がない自閉症」として扱われることも多いが、公的な文書においては、自閉症とは区分して取り扱われていることが多い。精神医学において頻用されるアメリカ精神医学会の診断基準 (DSM-IV-TR) ではアスペルガー障害と呼ぶ。
A 10-year-old girl diagnosed herself with Asperger's syndrome after reading a book about the condition.
By Paul Stokes
Last Updated: 4:41PM GMT 17 Nov 2008
Rosie's six-year-old brother Lenny was diagnosed with Asperger's four years ago and their parents Richard, 43, and Sharon, 38, were keen for her to understand his perspective.
As she and her mother turned the pages of the book by Karen Leigh Simmons and came to a section on Asperger's, Rosie suggested: "I think this might be me."
Mrs King, 38, a school lunch supervisor, from Wakefield, West Yorkshire, said: "We couldn't believe it. It all started to make sense.
"We always knew Lenny was autistic, since he was diagnosed when he was really young. Their behaviours are completely opposite to one another, Lenny barely says a word and is very awkward around people, and lacks any social intent, whereas Rosie has always been highly sociable.
"She could be a little peculiar, but more than anything we thought she was just a very sociable and happy child."
Rosie's sister, Daisy, eight, shares her chattiness, but has Kabuki syndrome - a rare condition that produces developmental abnormalities, such as shortness of bones, as well as learning and behavioural difficulties.
Mrs King added: "We obviously kept an eye on Rosie because of her siblings' conditions but when she blurted that out we took her straight to the specialist for some tests."
She and her husband Richard, 43, a civil engineer, immediately took her to see a speech therapist, child psychologist and behavioural therapist.
Rosie was officially diagnosed with mild Asperger's Syndrome thee months ago after a year-long process.
The condition is an autistic disorder which can cause communication and emotional problems.
Mrs King explained: "Some children with Asperger's find it very difficult to communicate with people around them, but Rosie is so inquisitive and always wants to know what's going on around her.
"We are thankful the book allowed her to seek help. At least we know what we are dealing with now and can help her when she needs it.
"Rosie is only 10 but she takes on a lot of responsibilities for someone her age. She always helps to look after Daisy and Lenny and she never complains about it.
"I feel very privileged to have a family like ours, life can be a bit stressful at times but I wouldn't change anything for the world, all three of them are amazing."
Rosie is a positive child, describing her Asperger's as an ability rather than a disability, and is now doing well at school especially in English and Literacy.
She said: "I want to make a film and I'd like to do that when I'm little and then become an inventor.
"I have also written 11 books and I love art. I like having Asperger's, it makes me different from other people and gives me a great imagination.
"I don't mind helping out with Lenny and Daisy. I love my brother and sister and wouldn't change them for anything."
アスペルガー症候群(-しょうこうぐん、Asperger syndrome: AS)は、興味・関心やコミュニケーションについて特異であるものの、知的障害がみられない発達障害のことである。「知的障害がない自閉症」として扱われることも多いが、公的な文書においては、自閉症とは区分して取り扱われていることが多い。精神医学において頻用されるアメリカ精神医学会の診断基準 (DSM-IV-TR) ではアスペルガー障害と呼ぶ。